Friday, May 23, 2008

How to Get Speaking Engagements

One of the most popular questions that we were asked on our recent survey was "How do I get speaking engagements?" Arvee Robinson and Lee Pound from Speak Your Way to Wealth share their insights by revealing two easy ways to get booked. Listen, watch and learn.

Get out there and speak,
Arvee and Lee

Even seasoned professionals can mess up. Watch these funny bloopers:

PS: Come back for more laughs and insights!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to Start Any Speech

We were stunned! We sent out a simple email asking people to tell us their BIGGEST challenge in using speaking to grow their business. We received an incredible number of responses. So we decided to create a video series answering some of those questions. Here is the first of many....


How do I start to create my speech?


We are also putting together a special report answering all the questions we received from the survey. To sign up for priority notification when the report is ready, go here:

For more tips on how you can grow your business by speaking,
join us in August for the Speak Your Way to Wealth Seminar.

We want to know what you think. Be sure to leave a comment on the videos. Just click on the comment button below.


Lee and Arvee
Your hosts

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Seeing the Money: Be Sure to Promote Early and Often

The number one mistake that new promoters make is not promoting their event early enough. Listen and learn when you should begin your event promotions...

For more information about the money-making seminar Speak Your Way to Wealth go to:

Stay tuned for more promotion tips and techniques!


Arvee and Lee

Use Teleclasses to Promote, and You Don't Even Have to Comb Your Hair

Teleclasses are a great way to promote your event because they give a sneak preview of the speakers content without spending a dime, traveling across the country, or even getting out of bed. Watch and see how it works....

To hear the FREE sneak previews (or sign up for future calls) go to:

We look forward to hearing on our next call.

Arvee and Lee
We thought you'd like to see some of our funny bloopers from this video!