Thursday, August 14, 2008

Don't Unsell -- Upsell

In the last week before the big event - Speak Your Way to Wealth - we have received a number of cancellations. We could have just given people their money back. Instead, we gave them alternatives. They were:

1. They could roll their money into a recording of the event.
2. They could let their money ride and come next year for whatever price they paid.
3. Or get a full refund, no questions asked.

Interestingly enough, we have found that most people really wanted to attend the event and they had to cancel due to family emergencies or work schedules getting in the way. So when we offered them a chance to see the event by video or by coming next year, they grabbed it!

So the tip is, don't just hurry up and give people their money back without asking questions and finding alternatives. After all, it is the experience of the event they really want, not just some cold hard cash.

The Speak Your Way to Wealth seminar is just one week away -- August 2, 2008. We have enjoyed sharing our experiences with you on this blog and we've had fun sharing some of our bloopers with you. We want to thank you for all of your time and attention and we'll be back next year with more ways you can use public speaking to grow your business.

Thanks a million,
Arvee Robinson and Lee Pound

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last Chance Promo

We are coming down to the wire now. Speak Your Way to Wealth is just two weeks away and we thought we would share with you what happened at the last minute when promoting your seminar. If you haven't signed up for the best Public Speaking Seminar of the year there is still time. Go to:

See our final promotional email below:

Here is our final email promotion:

Subject: Lee, want to ride on a luxury cruise ship for free?

Hi Lee,

It’s true. You can travel all over the world on a first class cruise liner for nothing in exchange for speaking! As long as you have a message to share or expertise you want to teach – you too can be treated like a celebrity while you enjoy a free vacation with your family! All you need to do is speak for a couple of hours, a couple of times during the cruise and VOILA, instant no-cost vacation. How cool is that?!

You will get it all from Daniel Hall (that even rhymes), who will teach you how to trade your talents and cruise for free at the fast approaching Speak Your Way to Wealth Seminar on August 22, 23, 24!

Join us at:

But that’s not all. Sixteen other speakers will teach you all sorts of insider speaking techniques that will make you lots of money and grow your business.

Plus, I almost forgot….Mark Victor Hansen, the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy, is opening the event! Yes, that’s right. We will be sharing THE stage with Mark. How cool is that?! That’s cool.

Come meet Mark in person along with the Blog Squad, and lots more famous speakers and master teachers. Don’t miss this event – it will never be the same.

Grab one of the last 47 seats and learn the secrets to becoming a more successful and powerful business speaker, presenter and seminar leader.

We look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.


Arvee Robinson and Lee Pound
P.S. We are so excited about this event that we need duct tape to keep us in our chairs!
P.S.S. Send this email to everyone you know – fast.